Tubah 27
he Work of the Holy Spirit within Us)
ET Your fiery spirit work within me strongly my Lord Jesus Christ, and renew it in my inward parts.
So I meditate on Your commitment day and night and enjoy Your departing words
And Your spirit guides me on the road and teach me how to deny my self every day carrying my cross following You
And fill me with joy and happiness through acknowledging You in my heart all the time.
And teach me how to face the kings and the forces of darkness by Your grace and strength.
And intercede for me and in me, with unspeakable exhales so I offer to You my longing and my love.
And purify my heart of all unclean lines and grants me a pure repentance and make by me a decent fruit.
And I enter into the arms of Your love and became partner in glory and virtue by Your justification my lord
And all my work become done by You and I will be fit for Your glorious wedding
My Lord Jesus ..
Grant me with patience and hope, stability and grace and make me joyful by the permanent work of Your spirit in me
O Lover of mankind!!