
From the sayings of ABBA PACHOMIOUS about PURITY “If you see a man pure and humble, that is a great vision. For what is greater than such a vision, to see the invisible God in a visible man, the temple of God.” “Take as an example the wisdom of Joseph and

From the sayings of ABBA PACHOMIOUSabout PURITY


“If you see a man pure and humble, that is a great vision. For what is greater than such a vision, to see the invisible God in a visible man, the temple of God.”

“Take as an example the wisdom of Joseph and his submission. Do battle in chastity and service until you make yourself a king” (cf. Gen. 41)

“Make haste to bring for the fruit the Gospel speaks of, blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.  And if an impure thought enters your mind, be it hatred or wickedness, jealousy, envy, contempt for your brother, or human vainglory, remember at once and say, ‘If I consent to any one of those things, I shall not see the Lord."