The Departure of St . Agrippinus, 10th Pope of Alexandria .
The Departure of St . Agrippinus, 10th Pope of Alexandria .
On this day of the year 181 A .D ., the holy father Anba Agrippinus, 10th Pope of Alexandria,departed . This father was holy and pure and he feared God . He was ordained a priest on thechurch of Alexandria .When Pope Cladianus, 9th Pope departed, Anba Agrippinus was chosen Patriarch by the peopleand clergy of Alexandria . By the grace of God, he took over the apostolic throne of Alexandriaand walked in the footsteps of the apostles .Anba Agrippinus preached the word of God and taught the principle of faith with its life-givinglaws . He Guarded his flock, with all his strength, by teaching them and praying on their behalf . Hedid not own any silver or gold, except for what met his basic personal needs . He completed hiscourse after 12 years on the throne of St . Mark, and he departed in peace .His prayers be with us . Amen .