The Departure of St . Maximus and St . Domatius (Domadius(.
The Departure of St . Maximus and St . Domatius (Domadius(.
On this day is the commemoration of the two honored saints Maximus and his brotherDomatius (Domadius) . Their father's name was Walendianus, he was one of the Roman emperorswho feared God and was Orthodox in faith . God gave him these two sons who were angelic intheir purity and holiness since their young age, always praying and reading the holy books .When they realized the vanity of this world and all its glory, they decided to leave it and live amonastic life . They asked their father to allow them to go to the City of Nicea, to pray in the placewhere the first Universal Council was held in 325 A .D . Their father rejoiced, and he sent anentourage of soldiers and servants with them, as was the custom for the children of kings .When they arrived, they asked the soldiers to go back to their father and tell him that they wantedto stay there for some time . Then they revealed their thoughts to a saintly monk, that they desiredto put on the holy garb of the monks . The monk did not agree with them because he feared theirfather, but he advised them to go to Syria where St . Agabius abided .They went to St . Agabius and stayed with him until his departure . Before he departed, he put onthem the monastic garb, and told them that he saw St . Macarius in a night vision saying,"Command your two sons to come to me after your departure, so that they may become mychildren ." Then St . Agabius told them, "I desired to see St . Macarius in the flesh, but I have seenhim in the spirit . After my departure, you should go to him in peace ."God granted them the gift of healing the sick . Their report was heard in all the countries,especially among the sea merchants and the travellers . They learned the trade of making ships'sails, and they were able to support themselves with money earned from selling them, and theygave the rest to the poor and the needy .One day, one of their father's stewards saw a ship with the names "Maximus and Domatius" on itssail . He inquired of the owner of the ship about these names . The owner told the steward, "These185are the names of two monk brothers, which I have written on my ship as a blessing, so that Godwith their prayers may prosper my business ." He described the brothers to him, as one with a fullbeard, and the other without a beard . The steward recognized them and he took the man andbrought him before the Emperor . When the Emperor made certain about what he had heard, hesent their mother and the princess, their sister, to meet them . When the women met with the twosaints and recognized them, they wept . Their mother wanted them to return with her, but theSaints refused, and they comforted the hearts of their mother and sister .After a while, the Patriarch of Rome departed, and they remembered Maximus, whom theywanted to ordain in his place . His father rejoiced when he heard this . When the news arrived toSt . Maximus and his brother, they remembered the command of their father Anba Agabius . Theydisguised themselves, and took the road along the Mediterranean sea shore, and when they werethirsty, God transformed for them the salty water into sweet water . They became very tired ofwalking, and their feet were bleeding . They slept on a hill because of their exhaustion and Godsent them a certain power that carried them to the wilderness of Scetis where St . Macarius wasresiding . They told St . Macarius that they wanted to live under his guidance . When St . Macariussaw that they were of rich background, he thought that they would not be able to live in the desertbecause of its harsh living conditions . They answered him saying, "If we are not able to live here,our father, we will return to where we came from ." Then he taught them how to plait palm leaves,and he helped in building a cave (cell) for them . He also told them about someone who wouldtake the work of their hands to sell and bring them back bread .They lived in this manner for three years, never communicating with anyone . They only went tochurch to partake of the Divine Sacraments silently . St . Macarius marvelled, for they did not go tohim all these years . He prayed to God to reveal to him their secret . He went to visit them in theircell where he stayed the night with them . When he woke up at midnight, as was his custom, topray, he saw the two saints praying and a ray of light going from their mouths to heaven, and thedevils were all around them like flies, and the angel of the Lord standing with a sword of fire toprotect them . The next day, St . Macarius put on them the holy Eskiem, and asked them to prayfor him . They bowed to the ground before him (made metanias) in silence .When they completed their course, and the Lord wanted to take them away from the sorrows ofthis temporal world, St . Maximus became sick . He sent word to St . Macarius, asking him tocome . When St . Macarius arrived, he found St . Maximus ill with a fever, and he comforted him .St . Macarius saw a company of prophets and saints, including St . John the Baptist and EmperorConstantine, gathered around the Saint until he delivered his pure spirit in dignity and in honor .St . Macarius wept and said, "Blessed are you, 0 Maximus ."St . Domatius, his brother, wept bitterly, and asked St . Macarius to pray on his behalf to the LordChrist to take him also to be with his brother . After three days, he also became sick, and when St .Macarius knew by the spirit he went to visit him . On his way, he saw the company of saints whocarried St . Maximus before carrying the soul of St . Domatius ascending up to heaven . When hearrived at the cave, St . Macarius found that St . Domatius had passed away . St . Macarius put St .Domatius' body with his brother's, whose departure was on the 14th day of this month . St .186Macarius ordered that the monastery be called after their names, the monastery of "El-Baramus"as it is known until today .Their prayers be with us . Amen .