The Departure of the Saint Abba Hor, the Monk
The Departure of the Saint Abba Hor, the Monk
This day marks the departure of the saint Abba Hor, the monk . This father was a native of the cityof Abraht, district of Ashmunein . He was a chosen monk that surpassed many saints in hisworship . He loved the solitary life so he lived in seclusion in the desert . Satan envied him, so heappeared to Abba Hor and told him, "In the desert you can conquer me because you are alonehere, but if you are brave, go to Alexandria and I will tempt you there ." When Abba Hor heardthat, he rose up immediately and went to Alexandria . He remained there for a while drawingwater for the prisoners and the shut ins .One day horses were galloping in the middle of the city, one of them hit a child and killed himimmediately . Saint Abba Hor was standing where the child was killed . Satan entered the hearts ofsome of the people who were standing around and made them shout saying, "The killer of thischild was that old monk ." Several people were passing by and heard that . They gathered aroundand mocked Abba Hor . The saint, Abba Hor, was not disturbed . He took the child in his arms,while praying to the Lord Christ in his heart, then he made the sign of the honorable Cross overthe child . The child's soul returned to him, and Abba Hor delivered the child to his parents .The people standing around marvelled and glorified God, and their hearts and minds turnedtoward Abba Hor . Being afraid of vainglory, he escaped to the desert and stayed there in one ofthe monasteries for the rest of his days .When his departure from this futile world drew near, he saw the company of saints calling him . Herejoiced exceedingly . He sent for his disciples, commanded them to remain in the path of theascetic life, and told them that he was about to depart to the Lord Christ . They were sorrowful for4His martyrdom is on the 29th day of Hatour (P . 176) .5His biography and departure is on the 7th day of Abib .his departure, and felt that they would be orphans without him . After a short sickness, hedelivered up his soul in the hands of the Lord .His prayers be with us and Glory be to our God forever . Amen