The Departure of Pope Yoannis the Eighth (80th Patriarch(
The Departure of Pope Yoannis the Eighth (80th Patriarch(
On this day also, of the year 1036 A .M . (May 29th, 1320 A .D .) Pope Yoannis the Eighth (80thPatriarch), departed . He was from Meniat Bani-Khosaim, and was known as El Mo'ataman Ebn El-Kedees, and his name was Yohanna Ben-Ebsal . He became a monk in the monastery of El-Shahran,and was ordained Patriarch on the nineteenth of Amshir, 1016 A .M . (February 14th, 1300 A .D .) .During his days severe tribulations befell the Christians . They forced them to tinge their turbans withthe color blue . Churches were closed in old Cairo, Cairo, and then in different parts of the countryexcept the monasteries in Alexandria, and some churches in other cities . An envoy from the king ofSpain came to intercede on behalf of the Christians . Two churches were opened, one of them was theCoptic church of the Virgin Lady in Haret Zeewailah and the other was the Malachite church of St .Nicholas in Elhamzawe . He was a contemporary of the Saint Anba Barsouma known as El-Erian Ebn-Eltaban, who departed during his days . The Patriarch prayed over him on the 5th of El-Nasi 1021 A .M .This Patriarch was the last to reside in the church of Abu-Saifain in Cairo . He was the first to relocatethe patriarchal chair to the church of the Virgin Lady in Haret Zeewailah . He was residing there in theyear 1303 A .D . when a severe earthquake took place that destroyed a large part of Syria and Egypt .Ebn-kabre indicated that this Patriarch had made some changes in the Liturgy . He departed afterremaining on the chair for twenty years, three months, and fifteen days and was buried in the monasteryof El-Shahran .May his prayers be with us and Glory be to God forever . Amen .