The Departure of St . Daniel the Archpriest of Sheahat (Scetis(
The Departure of St . Daniel the Archpriest of Sheahat (Scetis(
On this day also the holy father Anba Daniel the Archpriest of Sheahat (Scetis), departed . Hewas perfect and pure father . When his fame was noised abroad, many came to him among whomwas St . Anastasia disguised in a man's apparel . She became a nun, and lived in a cell near him for28 years and no one knew who he (She) was .
One day, the Saint saw a person whose name was Olagi (Eulogius), who worked as a stone cutterfor a Karat of gold each day . With a very small portion of this he lived and with the remainder hefed the poor without saving any thing . When Abba Daniel saw his good fight and the excellence ofhis deeds, he asked God to give Olagi more money to increase his deeds of mercy . God answeredhis prayer, and Olagi found a treasure when he was cutting the stones, which he took and went toConstantinople . With the newly found money he became a minister to the Emperor, and forsakethe deeds of mercy .When St . Daniel heard about this, he went to Constantinople, and found what had become ofOlagi, and that he had abandoned his deeds of mercy . Then the Saint saw in a vision as if the LordChrist is sitting judging among the people and that he commanded to crucify St . Daniel anddemanded from him the lost soul of Olag
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When the Saint rose up from his sleep, he went back tohis monastery, and entreated God to bring Olagi back to his former state . The angel of the Lordappeared to him and rebuked him for rejecting God's judgement of His creation . Afterwards, theEmperor of Constantinople died and another reigned who dismissed Olagi and took his moneyand wanted to kill him . He escaped in order to save his life and returned to his town to cut thestones as before . Anba Daniel met Olagi and told him all what had happened to him because ofhim .Many hardships befell St . Daniel because of the faith, and God manifested many miracles throughhim . He knew in advance the time of his departure from this world, he gathered all the monksaround him, commanded, strengthened, and comforted them and then departed in peace .May his prayers be with us, and glory be to God forever . Amen .