Read after the Liturgy's Bible On Wednesday, the Seventh Week of the Great Lent

Read after the Liturgy's Bible

On Wednesday, the Seventh Week of the Great Lent

Includes an exhortation to respect the teachings, being ready to answer those resisting and opposing you and the like.Inspired by the Nazareth people all saying about the Master: “Is not He the son of Joseph?” (Luke 6: 35-46)

If our Lord, may He be glorified, teaches us always, sometimes through actions, sayings and sometimes both; we should then strive to follow His teachings that are good for our souls and resuscitates our spirits. We shall then be able to answer those who wish to have a dialogue with us and those chosen to argue with us who belittle our righteous law and think it is weak, as they said about our Master, may He be glorified: “is not He the son of Joseph, you doctor cure yourself” (Luke 4: 22-23) and other examples.

Those seeking courage and wish to learn how to struggle do not benefit from visiting warzones without adopting the moves of the warriors, carrying their arms, and fighting. Also, those who wish to learn how to compete in a race, they do not benefit from visiting the field and watching those partaking in the race, without riding like them and racing. Also, those who attend church and listen to preaching and teachings do not benefit by just listening to them. They must keep following them and struggle to act accordingly. Therefore our Lord, may He be glorified said that whoever hears these sayings I said and does not abide by them is like an ignorant man who built his house on sand (Matthew 7:6), sometimes he is like the rocky land (Matthew 13:20-21) or a land full of thorns (Matthew 13:22).

It is a wonder how when one of us has a little boy in school, he spends money to get him a servant, teacher, books and the tools he needs. The teacher exerts effort to educate him but as he gets out of school every day, he neglects all what he had been taught and forgets it. He busies himself with toys, decorated statutes and watching play grounds. If this boy spends a year attending classes, then his father asks him about what he has memorized, he shall not be able to answer him. Would the father not hit him then and accuse the teacher of negligence? But if he investigates and finds out the teacher was sparing no efforts in educating him, the boy then would be the only one to take the blame. If a certain period of time has now passed by and we are enduring the hardship of fasting and contenting ourselves with austere life. We go to these pure sites to listen to spiritual teachings while we do not act according to what we heard, what punishment awaits us then? If a slave knows what pleases his master and does not act accordingly is to face tough torturing. The one who listens over and over, how can he not be deserving of the strongest torture?

If you ask me what proof is there that we do not abide by what he hears and that we do not act accordingly? I say that so far I have not seen the angry one become meek, the one who envies become forgiving, the adulterer become pure, the one who seeks futile glory become humble, the one thirsty for money become content or the covetous one become a true alms giver. The apostle says: “Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom” (James 3:13). The Bible also says: “By their fruit you will recognize them” (Matthew 7: 16).

I am not saying this to disturb you but for the salvation of your souls for we should not let one day of our lives pass without us acquiring a new good trait to be added to the ones we already have, either in fasting, praying, almsgiving, doing good to those who harm us, loving those who hate us, and the like. For if those who wish to collect all the earth’s wealth, keep working to increase them although they know it shall perish, then those wishing to collect heavenly treasures, how come they do not exert all possible efforts?

If God, may He be glorified, orders us to love our enemies, how do we then resent our brothers? If the tithes collectors love those who love then, so how are we believers not supposed to love those who hate us and be kind to those who persecute us to show that we are God’s apostles, may He be glorified forever, amen.