


Banana is one of the most important tropical fruit which has become widely spread throughout all the countries in the world. The reason behind this is that Bananas are a moderate fruit with high nutritional value and is available throughout the year.
Banana plants are large herbaceous plants, with tuberous stems extended underground. Banana plant has three types of flowers feminine flowers, hermaphrodite flowers and masculine flowers. The fruit arises from feminine flowers at first and then appears as hermaphrodite flowers and finally as masculine flowers.
The period from flowering to harvesting varies from about 80 days during the warm months up to 120 days during the cold months. Temperature is one of the most important factors that influence the speedy growth of the fruit after flowering beside adequate relative humidity.

These factors are available at the area of Beriet Shihiet where the Monastery of St. Mary El Syrian is located. Where an area of ​​about 10 acres is planted Bananas during the warm months