
Annunciation Feast

(Annunciation Feast) The Divine Embrace

In this great day You come and dwell in me with Your kingdom, light and glory; what a great secret.
Extend Your hand from the heights and save me and rescue me and give me the drops of Your love.
Forgive my many sins and grant me the fountain of pure tears and pure age by repentance... Grant me the longing of Your love in my heart.
Vanish the enemy's army and don't make space for him in my heart but keep my heart as Your house so the the evil does not come close to it.
Fill me from Your grace and own my thought, senses and my heart.
Your glory and righteousness rebukes the earthly man in me so I live as a son for You.
Grant me the secrets of true company with You so I walk in the light and Your blood purifies me.
Grant me the secret of the burning bush and the secret of Your presence in my heart at all times.
My Lord Jesus Christ... This is the day of my gladness and happiness and my hope in Your kingdom so help me and have mercy on me.