Wednesday of the Third week of the Holy Fifty Days

Barmoudah 25, 1733 - مايو 3, 2017, Wednesday of the Third week of the Holy Fifty Days (The Divine Presence)
Open my eye to see your appearance and my enjoyment is by you and delight by your presence.
Elevate me over the world to understand your secret and presence.
Write your law in my heart and grant me the sharing with your members.
Lift me from the land of suffering and the sludge mud to your present secret.
Fulfill me and  delight me by your words and save me and heal me from my wounds.
Carry me on your knees and open to me your embrace and get me to your reception.
Elevate me to your cross' secret and your resurrection to get to partake in your suffering.
Purify my heart and cleans me from the rattan yeast to taste the true Easter.
Raise me from the death of sin to escape the second death.
Let me know your will in all matters and save me from my soul's desire and wishes.
Write my name in the book of life and save me from the demolishing.