
From the sayings ofSAINT MOSES THE BLACK about Prayer

From the sayings ofSAINT MOSES THE BLACK about Prayer


If a man’s deeds are not in harmony with his prayer, he labors in vain. The brother said, ‘What is this harmony between practice and prayer?’ The old man said, ‘We should no longer do those things against which we pray. For when a man gives up his own will, then God is reconciled with him and accepts his prayers.’

The old man was asked, ‘What should a man do in all the temptations and evil thoughts that come upon him?’ The old man said to him, ‘He should weep and implore the goodness of God to come to his aid, and he will obtain peace if he prays with discernment. For it is written, “TheLordison my side;
I will not fear. What can man do to me?
(Psalm 118:6)