From the sayings of SAINT JOHN CLIMACUS about WISDOM

From the sayings of SAINT JOHN CLIMACUS about WISDOM

“When you hear that your neighbor or your friend has denounced you behind your back or indeed in your presence, show him love and try to compliment him.”

“The servant of vainglory leads a double life. To outward appearance, he lives with Christians; but in his heart of hearts he is in the world.”

“The Lord often humbles the vainglorious by causing some dishonor to befall them. And indeed the first step in overcoming vainglory is to remain silent and to accept dishonor gladly. The middle stage is to restrain every act of vainglory while it is still in thought. The end – insofar as one may talk of an end to an abyss – is to be able to accept humiliation before others without actually feeling it.”