From the sayings of StMARI EPHRAIM EL SOURIANYabout Wisdom

From the sayings of StMARI EPHRAIM EL SOURIANYabout Wisdom


“If the Son of God is within you, then His Kingdom is also within you. Thus, the Kingdom of God is within you, a sinner. Enter into yourself, search diligently and without toil you shall find it. Outside of you is death, and the door to it is sin. Enter into yourself, dwell within your heart, for God is there.”

"The good God toils, painfully as it were: for while He does not wish to coerce our liberty, yet neither does He permit us to be negligent. For were He to use coercion He would be taking away our power of choice; were He to leave us to our negligence He would be depriving our souls of His help. The Lord, then, knowing that if He coerces us He robs us, if he withdraws His help He loses us, but that if He teaches us He gains us, neither coerces nor withdraws His help as does the evil one, but teaches, instructs and so gains us, since He is the Good One."