From the sayings of ABBA MACARIUS about Wisdom

From the sayings of ABBA MACARIUS about Wisdom


St. Macarius was only 30 years old when he went off into the desert, and then he was already called "youth-elder" for his spiritual experience and wisdom. At about the age of forty St. Macarius was ordained priest. At this time he possessed already the gift of prophecy and wonderworking. He was always distinguished by exceptional emaciation, whether he had been fasting or not. When asked. the reason for this, the Saint replied: "As a poker used to turn burning logs and sticks in a stove is always being scorched by fire, so in a man who directs his mind always to the Lord and always keeps in mind the terrible torments of the fire of gehenna, this fear not only gnaws the body, but dries up the bones as well."