The Departure of St . Timothy, Bishop of Ansena (Antinoe(

The Departure of St . Timothy, Bishop of Ansena (Antinoe(

On this day, the saint Abba Timothy, Bishop of Ansena, departed . He was righteous and chastefrom his youth . He became a monk at a young age and lived a righteous life . Because of hischastity, righteousness, knowledge and his good character, he was chosen bishop for the city of96Ansena (Antinoe) . He preached to the believers and guided the people to believe in Christ . TheGovernor however, seized him and tortured him in various ways, inside the prison and outside it,for three consecutive years . There were many others with him in prison who were seized becauseof their faith . The tyrant Governor continued to bring several of them out of prison and shed theirblood after torturing them, until only a few remained in prison, this father was one of them .When the Lord destroyed Diocletian, and Constantine (the Emperor who loved Christ) reigned,he ordered all the prisoners who were persecuted for the sake of their faith in Christ to be set free,in all the countries under his authority . Father Timothy was also released and went to his dioceseand gathered all the priests of his diocese . They prayed to the Lord all night . Father Timothyasked for the salvation of the soul of the Governor who had tortured him saying, "Because 0Lord, he is the one who has brought me great blessing by bringing me close to You, be good tohim so he might become close to You ." The people who were gathered marvelled at the purity ofthis father's heart, who was fulfilling his Master's words, "Love your enemies, bless those whocurse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you andpersecute you ." (Matthew 5:44)When the Governor heard that, he marvelled saying, "I had thought that he would curse me forwhat I inflicted upon him, for I had ill treated him greatly, but instead he is blessing me . Truly thefaith of these people is a 'Divine Faith' ." He sent for Abba Timothy . He inquired about theprinciples of the Christian faith . The father revealed to him the cause of the Incarnation of the Sonof God and what the prophets had spoken many years before, concerning Him and how theirprophesies were fulfilled, giving him proofs from the scriptures .Consequently, the Governor believed in Christ and the father the Bishop baptized him . TheGovernor subsequently resigned the governorship and became a monk .As for St . Timothy, he continued to teach his flock, guarding them until he departed in peace .His prayers be with us . Amen .