
I don’t forget my Ancestors

I don’t forget my Ancestors

It is blessed day of New Coptic Year known as Nayrouz. This calendar was set and organized by my early ancestors six thousand Years ago.

It is based on the full circulation of the sum divided into 12 months marking 4 seasons 13rd Tut marks the beginning of autumn when the days are shorter while nights are longer. 13 Kiak winter season begins, it becomes very cold 12nd Baramhat begins the spring when weather is mild and flowers bloom and trees become green – 14 th Baouna begins summer when it is rise hot and the river milk is overflowing the calendar starting  by tut was very accurate.

Then came the astronomer "Sosigun" (46BC) and fixed the solar Romam calendar as or desed by Julius Caesar, and made it 365 days & 6 hours. It is believed that the Egyptian calendar has followed certain amendment.

It used to be less than the Julian calendar by 11 minutes & 9 second. This addition would change the spring season from 21 March to 11 March. So, if the Egyptian calendar had matched the Julian calendar since the beginning, then we would have by now reached 50 extra days.

But what really happened after the Julian amendament is clear in the beginning of the 4th century namely that 29th Kiak 325 AC was equivalent to 25th December, became equivalent to 5th January in the 18th century them to 6th Dec. in the 19th century until finally became equivalent to 7th January in the 20th century, and this is going to continue by one day every 134 year. That's why many are asking us to review the calendar starting "Tut"…etc.

*Military service in my Ancestors life.

My ancestors, whether people or government were very well trained, efficient soldiers, so at usurping the Nile valley for its fertile land. They were able to expand their land eastward and westward and southward especially during the reign of the 18th Family that ruled over Egypt during the period 1462-1703 B.C.

Among its famous King was Tohotmos the III 3rd who died in the year 1447 B.C. after having joined under his rule El Habasha, & EL Nubba, Sudan, and the Arab peninsula Iraq and El-Sham, as well as Kurdistan, Armenia, Cyprus.

His sister, Hatshepsut who preceded him ruling Egypt had joined to her rule Bon region which lies in south of the Arab peninsula where she used to get the materials needed for construction as well as different kinds of perfumes and, also the gold and silver and fine stones that are found abundantly in these places.

As for the 19th family ruling Egypt, Ramses I 1st city, Ramses II "Sisostres" were very famous. The latter was victorious all through reaching up to Beirut, fighting against the Hethians in 1288 B.C. forcing them to sign a reconciliation Treaty engraved on two folds of silver promising never to fight against him.

*Sciences & knowledge.

My ancestors mastered many industries that were unknown to other people at the time

They were skilful in making writing paper known as "Egyptian Cortas" out of papyrus.

They also made clean knitted with silver & gold .

They even made domestic utensils out of pottery, glass and alabaster. They mastered making accessories of gold& silver.

Many of which are still saved in the Egyptian museum, most of which were made during the rule of the 12th Family, and are equal in perfection to nowadays accessories.

My ancestors well very well learned in Astronomy. They were able to set the first dates as early as 4241 B.C. and calculated yearly seasons accurately. They made use of the Great Pyramid to learn about the circulation of planets and them rotation.

My ancestors got hold of the secrets of Engineering and Architecture. King Khufu who established the 4th family, built the greatest Pyramid at El Giza in 3098 B.C. which is a masterpiece marking the skillful choice of rocks and their perfect engraving.

King Khafre constructed the 2nd pyramid at a nearby site. Then setting eyes on a nearby rocky block, the engineers formed from it a statue for their king combining a human thoughtful head to a powerful body of a lion known at that time as "Kharmakhis" and now days as the Sphinx.

Also Astrits I made the magnificent at Ain Shams 1938 B.C.

Also Tohotmus III two obelisks of the same kind which Barbaros the ruler carried to Alexandria 23 B.C.

 One of them was given as a gift to London 1819A.C.and the second to New York 1977.

My ancestors excelled in constructing dams and digging canals. King Mina constructed EL – Kashisha dam 3500 B.C. by which he changed the route of the river Nile from the Western desert to the east of "Manf" city which he established to B.C. his ruling place.

"Amnhutob III constructed lake Mosris as a reservoir saving the water of the flood that was wasted before. Thus making use of the water to irrigate the spacious cultivated land of Fayoum all this all took place before man was able to invent the new tools that are used now a days in such projects.

They were genius in the fields of chemistry, medicine, anatomy and mummification which still remains a mystery up to day.

They were efficient in philosophical sciences and management rules. Many scholars came from different places all over the world to learn. Among them were Le Krang, Solon, Pythagorus, Plato and many others of great thinkers.

My ancestors were the first to make use of the wind power and experiment flying.

It was said about "Didal" who immigrated to the island of "Kreet", that when he was persecuted by its king "Menous" he designed wings to fly with his son "Eakar" to the island of "Sakalia" He succeeded to fly for miles until he fell into the sea this was mentioned by "Raamasis" magazine.

My Ancestors religion.

    Early in history Egyptians believed in one almighty eternal God. They referred to that God using many symbols maintaining it is Holy entity out by the passage of time people considered these symbols, gods. only priests and some noble people kept worshiping one true God.

Despite this diversity, worshiping many gods, there remained two prominent gods: Btah inManf (the great creator)& Raa in Tiba, resembled by the sun at sun rise they call him "Homkhis" at noon time, they call him " Raa" & "Osoris" during sum – set.

The trinity concept appeared in some region of Egypt. They used to join 3 gods in one as in "Manf" where they combined a trinity of Isis, Osoris & Horace.

Although my ancestors had many gods and used to consider the calf holy in Manf and the crocodile holy in Fayoum and the Fox & wolf holy in Assuit, yet they were very elite people with decent manners. Among their memorable words, they used to say: that the best men are those who have a strong will and self control, self respect and righteousness also should be honest, active straightforward showing self- dignity without being arrogant.

The believed strongly in eternity and life after death, in reward & punishment. In the grace of Citi I they found a painting of the day of judgment where criminals were beheaded while righteous people enjoying grace.

The one standing facing judgment would say: "I didn't torture a widow, didn't deceive anyone.

Never lied, never betrayed anyone, never been lazy or arrogant, never disrespected Holy thing, never left one hungry, never caused anyone to cry, never urged anyone to commit murder. Never overloaded any laborer, never assured milk of infants, never said any false witness, never stole bread of temples and never collected any money illegally. Such matters that reflect purity of inward self.

Being refined and civilized people, my ancestors used to distributed heritage equally for male & female. The consider married woman as the mistress of the house, and may occupy femest positions of "Amoun" during the days of Egyptian Renaissance.

My ancestors were highly hygienic. It has never been mentioned that they suffered from any epidemic disease, nor ever had any immorality.

Christianity among my ancestors:

In the year 749 for the construction of the city of Rome and the 42nd for the reign of Augustus Caesar, the CHRIST was born in the village of Bethleham which lies near Jerusalem.

This was in fulfillment of all the prophecies of the prophets about him When he was 30  years old He started His Evangelic mission supporting it with the miracles that were fascinating.

The Jews envied Him and crucified Him during the reign of Pontuis Pilate. But He was raised more than once ordering them to go out to all nations the gentiles and preacli the word of God baptizing them in the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit. This they left the Atties of Zion after receiving the grace power of the Holy Spirit and went southward and eastward in every place of the world until one of them, namely St.Mark the Apostle, reached the country of my ancestors. He went along the street of Alexandria until he met Enianos, the slove maker. And a great event came to pass that ended up by Enianos turning to Christianity becoming the first Christian among my follow citizens who despite being pagans, yet believed in eternal life after death and shall be Judged by a fair judge. That's why they joined Christianity willingly and quickly. The 1st century has hardly came to an end when there was a proper church in Alexandria with ordained Bishop, priest and deacons serving a group of righteous believers in Egypt and the 5 western cities. In the 2nd century Ppoe Demetry the 1st (188-230) ordained more Bishops all over Egypt to serve the increasing number of believers. The 3rd century has not yet ended when Christianity has spread all over the land preached by St.Mark extending westward from Kairowan to Rafah eastward, and from Alexandria in the north to Aswan in the south.

Bravery & blood-shed:

Christianity, the religion of my forefathers was not welcomed or accepted by the imperial authority.

They were against the sublime principles of Christianity.

They remained on their belief in paganism. Such paganism that is related to immorality which is different from.

The Christian era:

After a long continuous struggle where hundred thousand Christians received the crown of martyrdom, finally the Emperor Theodorius issued a Royal decree in 381 AC announcing the Christian religion as the official religion for the Roman Empire and all states affiliated to it persecution had spolit. They started dealing with pagan patiently until they succeeded to win them over into Christian faith.

At that time, there appeared 3 great Pope in the city of Alexandria namely Athansuis, Kyellos and Diskorus, who besides their excellence in Divine issues facing the various heresies, they were very clever in politics As a result all Egyptians trusted them and delegated them to represent them in all their cases. Their authority as Popes was similar to that of the Pharaohs while rubbing the country. Yet, despite these privileges enjoying the unity of the people, they didn’t make use of these merits to free their people and the country from the imperial authority Thy accepted to be governed by foreign authority. There foreign rulers never appreciated their peaceful submission, on the contrary they seized the opportunity of the religious diversity that resulted from the council of Khalridonia (451 AC) and arrested Pope Diskorus and banished him in "Ghaghra" island, and persecuted his followers who couldn't fight back as the church never spoke to them about their ancestors who dismissed the "Heksous" who ruled over the Nile Valley for a long time. As a result these Christians lived as strangers in their own home land.

They were unable to confront the enemy or fight back defending those selves, on the contrary they feared the enemy's swords & spears as a result the ruler became hard – hearted exerting all efforts to humiliate Christians, to the extent that the Caesar who ruled in 459 AC as a successor to "Bokaria" killed 30,000 Copts in Alexandria. Had those in charge of Christians oriented even half this number patriotically giving each one of them a(stick) rod, like shepherds in eastern countries them they would have been able to defend themselves, their children & their elders, and would have forced the enemy to retreat steps & withdraw.

If we had young men like David that would tear apart the bear and kill the lion (1Samuel 17: 63) and elderly people like Kaleb bin Yafonus ready to carry a sword and shield responsibility of war while in their 85th year of age (Josh14: 10), (judges 20: 16).

If we had a group of such people or the like we wouldn't have suffered humiliation and injustice by some coward rulers.

That's why my ancestors were persecuted by Rome having discovered their meekness and their weakness.

This misfortune continued until 640 AC. When Islam appeared and the Arabs invaded that number of the Coptic youth were in monasteries busy making baskets.

The invader treated my ancestors generously considering them in his charge on 6 conditions: -

1-   To pay 2 dinars for each one except the woman the aged and the child.

2-  Never to dismiss them from their homes.

  1. Never to usurp their women
  2. Nor their land or villages
  3. Never to overload them
  4. Never fear from an enemy

In return the Copts abided by 6 terms:

  1. Never criticize the book of Allah (Koran)
  2. Never criticize or underestimate prophet of Islam or accuse him of falsehood.
  3. Never criticize Islam
  4. Never commit adultery with a Muslim women
  5. Never attract a Muslim away from his own religion nor threaten his wealth or life
  6. Never support the enemy

Omar even left the taxes that were assigned upon the prominent Coptic figures to distribute it as they wished. So they used to distribute it among their churches and monasteries. But, unfortunately, this did not last for long. There came Moaawia Bin Abi Sofian and put an end to it, forcing Copts to pay even more taxes than was assigned!

All foreign rulers continued to torture the Egyptian citizens until God chose Gamal Abd El Nasser to take over. Being an Egyptian he endeavored to set justice among Egyptians. He spent his life struggling hard for noble causes until his death on Monday 28th September 1970, while trying to reconcile Arab leaders.

  • Christ blesses my ancestors:

To sum up let us end by this everlasting godly blessing endowed upon us by God as we were the only people to receive such a blessing from God Almighty: “Blessed be My people, Egypt” (Is 19:25)

This prophecy was uttered by prophet Isaiah who lived before the birth of Christ by nearly 7 centuries. Egypt at that time was ruled by the 22ndfoully still retaining its scientific, literary and military merits that were at their peak during the reign of the 18th family. Isaiah considered it a symbol for all nations that will receive the blessings of the gospel and the grace of salvation.

The prophecy was fulfilled when Egypt accepted Christ and the early preachings in His Name. The Israelites, once called upon by God as “My people”, “My heritage” & “My hand-made”, were considered by Him “evil vineyard keepers” and “the laborers who rejected the corner stone”, “sons of the murderers of prophets” who rejected Him as a Savior. But those who accepted Him gave them power and authority to become sons of God. Thus He Blessed Egypt calling it “My people” (Acts 2:10).

My people that found pride in being Christians, never denied me even in the worst of times confessing faith in my Name despite be tortured and persecuted holding tightly unto Christian orthodox faith, showing in their behavior the aroma of Christ.