Baunah 25, 1731 - July 2, 2015, Thursday (The glory of Jesus Christ within us)

Baunah 25, 1731 - July 2, 2015, Thursday (The glory of Jesus Christ within us)

 So please come and dwell in me and fill me with Your glory and Your light and Your love, So I die to this world and everything in it and  follow You with all my heart.
Fill me with Your grace and Your power that help my weakness and my illness.
Fulfill me with the milk of Your grace and make me a living branch in You. Fill me with Your magnificent love that can't to be described, 
Grant me the spirit of the prayer, and the fruits of the repentance and the work of Your spirit within me.
Rebuke the winds and the waves and take away the fear from my heart.

My lord Jesus Christ....
Teach me how to be saved, and rebuke the beasts, the wolves, the storms, and fill me from Your grace
and Your love O Lover of mankind.